75% Exams (at least two exams each term, one oral exam and one reading book exam in the second term)
10 % Attitude (homework, regular attendance to class, material, interest in the subject and notebook)
15% Writings (one writing each unit, one project each term, dictations, class presentations)
Exams: There will be one exam after each unit. They include EVERYTHING we have done in class (writing, reading, grammar, vocabulary and listening) and the average mark for all the exams must be 4 in order to pass. Don't forget that you will also have an oral exam each term. And of course, the contents of each unit are cumulative.
Writings and homework: After each unit you will have to hand in a writing. If you give it to me after the deadline, you will get 1 point less for every delayed day. You must take care of your notebook as I will have a look twice each term. Remember that you must copy the Student's Book activities in the notebook.
Extra points: +0.25 points for Speaking. I will add these extra points to your final mark if you always try to talk to me in English inside and outside the classroom.
- 1 Student's Book and 1 Workbook.
- 1 Notebook with 4 different colours (to separate Vocabulary,Grammar, Activities and Dictations). At the end of each Term you will have to create an English Portfolio including all the notes you have got in your Notebook, all the photocopies and other activities we have done in class.
- 1 English dictionary.
- 1 English reader.
- 1 email (better from Gmail) to enter your coursebook website, blog and to email me.
- CLASSROOM EMAIL: lauracambril@gmail.com
-BLOG: http://lauracambril.blogspot.com.es
There is always homework to do, so it's your duty to bring your homework and English material every day that we have got class. If you don't show me your homework or you don't bring your books, you have got a negative. I will only give you a positive for
extra activities.
WRITING CORRECTIONS:extra activities.
When you hand in a writing your starting mark is always an excellent. Then, I correct your writing and I discount all the mistakes you do.
This is how you get your final mark (EXCELLENT - GREAT - GOOD - PASS - FAIL). I will give you back the writing with some remarks and corrections, you will get a better mark if you repeat again the writing without mistakes.